Tuesday 31 May 2011

Bubye !

I'm off to Penang today ! Freaking happy now cause I didn't shop for a long long time ! Waiting for someone now. So, I'm just wanna have a short short update :)

Mua outfit today ♥
With mua Elweeeee xD

Will blog again when I'm back !
Stay tuned ♥

Time to Share !

Yea, gonna share some thingy today. :) First, is the eyeliner gel. Found a super nice one in one of the outlet in as. It's super duper waterproof and easy to apply. Love it so much ! And it is not expensive thou. Cheaper than the Kate one and even cheaper than the Maybelline one. Cool huh. :D It is made from Japan. So I think it won't be bad. Here it is. :)


See the difference? LOL! Small and big ><

The second one is the nail color that I fall in love with recently. The Peach Orange  It's a very sweet and lovely color. :) I usually buy the Elianto's nail colors because it's cheap enough. I can buy a lot with different colors and change the color always. Teehee ! Besides, the quality of it is quite okay too ! 

Last but not least, wanna share the songs that I'm in love with recently. :) Price Tag by Jessie J and Lonely by 2NE1. Heard them from the radio. It's nice. Have a look on the video ! :)

Price Tag


Sunday 29 May 2011


Finally, I'm blogging now. :D Cause I'm too tired last two days, which I promised to blog. *forgive me Yesterday was working, until the night. Today I work too but then will only sleep after blogging cause don't have to wake up early in the morning tomorrow ! Teehee ! Well let's start from Thursday night. :) Had a small BBQ gathering with friends. Only 7 of us attended cause others are busy with their college life or maybe enjoying their life? Lol idk. Anyway, it's a great party to let us  meet each other. :) But something unlucky on that night. Guess what happened. Sudden blackout while we were bbq-ing. Lol. How 'lucky' huh ! But luckily it is only a couple of minutes. If not, that Hazel will let us blame on like hell ! Bahaha !

Mua slave of that night xD


While blackout

Spot-Light-Lady of the night !!!

The Four Flowers ♥

Oh yea, I had done with my job of this week. Yeahhh ! But now both of my foot is freakin pain. Standing for the whole day. FML. Luckily my back no more pain, if not I really wanna cry out loud ! LOL. Okay, so I think it's time to sleep ! :) My eyes could hardly open now. @@ 
Goodnight ♥

Thursday 26 May 2011

My Night ♥

Hello guys ! I'm going to blog again, about tonight ! Went to meet my two ladies, Miss Chiang and Miss Heng. :) Such a long long long time didn't see both of them. We went to Fresh Cafe to have the tomyam. *Mua love. Because Chiang Xin Zi said that she's craving for tomyam for a long time. Lol. Hot and spicy food again. Cause mummy cooked 'kensom' - Thailand food today which is twice spicier than tomyam. It's superb ! I really feel that my stomach's going to have problem soon cause I always take in the spicy and sour food. Lol. *my stomach is actually feeling not well now :( But no idea, I just like it sososo much. Doctor will cure it when there's a problem ! Bahaha ! Okay back to the topic. After having the tomyam, we went to Old Town to continue our chatting. As you know, we are girls. So... Chit chat is our most-loved. :D

Us ♥

Omg I looks dumb here

Miss Heng ♥

Miss Chiang ♥

Miss Kee :P

Okay, that's all for today. :) Gonna go to bed now. Sleep early these few days. :D Probably will blog again tomorrow after the BBQ gathering with the Form 6 classmates. And I'm going to work on this weekend. Gonna earn earn earn, cause I don't wanna let my baby Lumixie wait for me for too long. Teehee ;) And lastly, gonna wish both of them Good Good Luck in their studies and the internship. Will miss ya'll ! :D
Night ! ♥

Monday 23 May 2011


Well, just wanna do some short update today ! :) Should be going to the Museum Padi this noon, but Lee See Khim planed all of us. Grrr. A lil bit pissed off cause this is not the first time. So, I think I'll spend my whole day at home with mummy, cause daddy is at outstation. I'm such a good lil girl ! :D Nothing to do actually, but this is so much better than study. Bahaha ! Okay lets see some picha first ! Took it yesterday while in my bro's NS Camp. 

Mummy cooked some dishes for him

He's bald now. Absolutely looks like a kiddo. xD Because his head is small and flat. Lol. Anyway, hope that everything goes smooth there and he's fine. :) Erm, so I think I had done with this post. Gonna continue my Vampire Diaries now. Will update again soon !
See ya ♥

 Nina Nina ♥ How gorgeous is her !

Sunday 22 May 2011

Holly-Holidays !!!

Oh yeah ! Officially started my holiday in this evening after done with my last paper ! Happy to the max, cause no need to read those books anymore ! Really hate reading. Idk why, I just hate reading so muchh ! I don't even read the newspaper. *Shameful  So, it's time to update my bloggie, gonna blog blog blog and will keep to update it always. :) Anyway, just wanna thanks to Saw Hoay Ping because she's the one who fetch me home ! TeeHee. *muacks xD And then, hang out with the girls right after I took my dinner. Went to the Bali Cafe.

Attire of the day

Chyi, Yee, and Khim

Erm, that's all the photo for the night. ;) Feeling sleepy right now cause woke up early in the morning to do my revision. Lol. Have to sleep now, and need to wake up early again tomorrow. Cause going to visit my bro. He's in the NS camp now. Kinda miss him actually >.< 

Night world 

Saturday 14 May 2011


Finally, done with my Statistic yesterday. Yesh ! Couldn't sleep well the last last night because of it. Keep waking up in the middle of the night and think about which chapter I still haven't finish reading yet. Oh FML. Am I too stress? Or anxious? Idk cause I don't think that I'm a stressful person. Lol. Btw, four papers left, which is on the four-continuous-days. Gosh ! Just hope that I can handle them well. And and and, one week to go ! Oh yeah ! Can't wait for my three and a half months holiday ! I'm so excited every time when I think about it ! Lol.

Anyway, something to show.

Tada !

Got this on the last few days. The Blue color one. After that I took out my old McD glass, and then I found that, it's also the Blue one ! Whaoo.. It's so coincidence huh ! :D

Did some drawing on the glass with my babe boy on the day we got it. And I just realized that, it's created on 27092009 *wrote by babe, which means that it had been one and a half year? Owh can't believe it is so long ago, time really passes damn fast !
Alright, going to continue my revision now.

Monday 9 May 2011

30th Monthsary ♥

It's 9th May today and it's also our 30th Monthsary ♥♥ 
We had been together for 30 months. Whaoo ! The time passes so freaking fast. It was like, I just knew him the last few days? Lol. Just kidding. Conversely, the time when he is not beside me is really slow like hell. I didn't see him for almost three months since he left here. Sob Sob Sob. Have to wait for *erm 1,2,3,4,5,6,7 Yea, 7 months only can see him, touch him, hug him, pinch him and etc. ;( Sad til the max ! Seriously, Frankly and Apparently, a long-distance-relationship ain't that easy. Especially when you need him sososo badly, but he is far away from you. No one for you to rely, hug or kiss. The only way is, FaceTime or open your lappie and Skype with him. Awww sounds bad huh?! BUT ! When you FINALLY can see your love one after waiting for such a long-long time, the feeling is like.. Ahhhh couldn't explain it in words. You will never know this kind of feeling unless you experience it yourself. Teehee ;) I bet the tears of mine will drop unstoppable on the day when he's standing right in front of me.

For me, he is a perfect boyfriend, the best man in this world Really appreciate all the love he gives to me. I'm such a lucky girl. Feel that I'm so blessed. ;) Yet, I will treasure all of them no matter our relationship, the memories or the love you give me. I will wait for you babe, and I know so do you too. Heehee. Love you babe 

Memories of us  


Miss him so muchie right now ;'( Or probably he will fly back to me after saw this post? Bahahaha ! Crazieee me. lol

We Skype ♥

Friday 6 May 2011

My 05052011 ♥

Met my two ladies this afternoon and had a Mothers' Day celebration with the KeeFamily at the night. :) Well, I really don't know why, I'm so into blogging when the exam is getting closer and closer. Oh My Lord ! I will die hard seriously. ;( Okay so back to the topic. Me, Hane and Chyi went to have our Snow Ice today. Yeah So what will happen when there's three girls together? Of course chit chat and gossip. xD

                                                                With the Braid Hair today 

Chyi with the Honeydew one

Hane with the Yam one

And me with the Mango one *bigbig face!

So after meeting up with them, went to granny's house at the night ! Quite a lot of picha to share. Teehee ;) Damn lazy to write about cause I'm so sleepy now actually. So, let's see the picha ! :D

While waiting for mummy and brother

And randomly took a photo of the view outside the car. Like 

Everyone's eating !

My Favourite - Laksa

And after that, time with lil Terry and camwhore !

 Super like this pose of him  

Actually I'm the one who coordinate with him. LOL

Then I ask him to close his eyes and do the 'dudu' mouth together with me. :P

How cute is him!

Up next, the Cutting Cake session !

The MummyS

Singing - 世上只有妈妈好 

And lastly,

The gambling session ! *the KeeFamily's-most-love

So I think I'm done with the post. Going to sleep now. Damn sleepy. And I still have to continue my revision tomorrow. 