Monday 23 May 2011


Well, just wanna do some short update today ! :) Should be going to the Museum Padi this noon, but Lee See Khim planed all of us. Grrr. A lil bit pissed off cause this is not the first time. So, I think I'll spend my whole day at home with mummy, cause daddy is at outstation. I'm such a good lil girl ! :D Nothing to do actually, but this is so much better than study. Bahaha ! Okay lets see some picha first ! Took it yesterday while in my bro's NS Camp. 

Mummy cooked some dishes for him

He's bald now. Absolutely looks like a kiddo. xD Because his head is small and flat. Lol. Anyway, hope that everything goes smooth there and he's fine. :) Erm, so I think I had done with this post. Gonna continue my Vampire Diaries now. Will update again soon !
See ya ♥

 Nina Nina ♥ How gorgeous is her !

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