Wednesday 4 May 2011

Wong Yee Hane ♥

Hang out with her today, the girl whose name is on the title. xD It had been super long time didn't see her, since the CNY. Quite miss her actually. Heeee :) I'm the driver today ! So after fetching her, we went to sing k for two hours. And then we asked a girl working there to help us take a photo. But,

                                                                        She's FAILED!!!

See, the space above us is SO BIG! And we're like so tiny. Only a quarter of the photo is us. SWT! And after that we're wondering, will it be better if we take it ourselves. Lolllll

Then we went to buy some stuffs and after that back to home! Cannot go out for too long cause I really feel SINFUL! Because the exam is coming soon and I still haven't finish reading all the chapters. There're like tons of books are still waiting for me. FML!

                                                                     Ignore my silly hair

                                                                   Wong Yee Hane !


So what am I going to do now? Of course spend my time with the books. Sigh! Wish me luck!

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