Thursday 26 May 2011

My Night ♥

Hello guys ! I'm going to blog again, about tonight ! Went to meet my two ladies, Miss Chiang and Miss Heng. :) Such a long long long time didn't see both of them. We went to Fresh Cafe to have the tomyam. *Mua love. Because Chiang Xin Zi said that she's craving for tomyam for a long time. Lol. Hot and spicy food again. Cause mummy cooked 'kensom' - Thailand food today which is twice spicier than tomyam. It's superb ! I really feel that my stomach's going to have problem soon cause I always take in the spicy and sour food. Lol. *my stomach is actually feeling not well now :( But no idea, I just like it sososo much. Doctor will cure it when there's a problem ! Bahaha ! Okay back to the topic. After having the tomyam, we went to Old Town to continue our chatting. As you know, we are girls. So... Chit chat is our most-loved. :D

Us ♥

Omg I looks dumb here

Miss Heng ♥

Miss Chiang ♥

Miss Kee :P

Okay, that's all for today. :) Gonna go to bed now. Sleep early these few days. :D Probably will blog again tomorrow after the BBQ gathering with the Form 6 classmates. And I'm going to work on this weekend. Gonna earn earn earn, cause I don't wanna let my baby Lumixie wait for me for too long. Teehee ;) And lastly, gonna wish both of them Good Good Luck in their studies and the internship. Will miss ya'll ! :D
Night ! ♥

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